Mortgagee Sale – What You Need to Know as a Mortgagee (Lender)

Mortgagee Sale – What You Need to Know as a Mortgagee (Lender)

A mortgagee sale occurs when a mortgagee (lender) sells a property to recover a defaulted loan. This process can only be initiated if the borrower defaults under the loan agreement, which includes failing to repay the loan on time, missing interest payments, or not maintaining/insuring the secured property to the satisfaction of the mortgagee (lender).

By Max Shin

Property LawReal Estate
Clear Message to Low-Skill Workers: A Critical Analysis of Recent Work Visa Changes

Clear Message to Low-Skill Workers: A Critical Analysis of Recent Work Visa Changes

Recently, the Minister of Immigration introduced significant alterations to the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) scheme, particularly affecting low-skill workers. This blog delves into these changes and their implications.

By Harris Gu

ImmigrationImmigration LawAccredited Employer Work Visa
Batman vs. Robin - Condition vs. Warranty

Batman vs. Robin - Condition vs. Warranty

In a fictitious scenario of an entirely imaginary world of English Law breach of “Condition” is personified as Batman within the realm of contract law. Much like Batman, Condition is to guarantee that promises and representations made under a contract are upheld with integrity and performed in good faith.  If we were to take the same strange and wonderous metaphor to “Warranties” taking on a persona of Robin, Warranty is a supportive companion of Condition, offering additional assurances and parties’ reinforced commitment. 

By Polina Boyarchenko

Navigating Employer Accreditation renewals

Navigating Employer Accreditation renewals

If you plan to keep your current migrant workers or hire new ones, you will need to renew your accreditation. Additionally, if you want to change your accreditation volume, such as moving from standard to high-volume accreditation, now is the time to do so.

By Hannah Alcantara

The best way to make an inquiry with QCL: A Step-by-Step Guide

The best way to make an inquiry with QCL: A Step-by-Step Guide

When you need legal assistance, our team are here to help and reaching out to us can be the first step towards resolving your issue. To ensure we handle your inquiry efficiently and effectively, follow these guidelines:

By Jade O'Hanlon

Why getting a pre-nup should empower your relationship

Why getting a pre-nup should empower your relationship

Luke joins Amy from the Slice First Home Podcast to discuss saving time and stress when it comes to buying property, relationship matters and who is really in your corner.

By Luke Beveridge

Not Boston Legal: A conversation with Marcus Beveridge

Not Boston Legal: A conversation with Marcus Beveridge

Managing Director of Queen City Law, Marcus Beveridge, joins Eden Bradfield, Head of Research at Blackbull on their podcast to discuss assorted issues including the Active Investor Plus business immigration category, what changes are afoot (Including resurrecting the Investor 1 and Investor 2 immigration categories and a possible infrastructure investment component), push and pull factors, the New Zealand Government’s first hundred days and the world’s rapidly changing geopolitical situation.

By Marcus Beveridge

What is OIO consent and do I need it?

What is OIO consent and do I need it?

What is OIO consent and do I need it? Joseph has a new YouTube video out explaining all you need to know.

By Joseph Diao

How to prevent/protect yourself from a court claim

How to prevent/protect yourself from a court claim

How can you prevent or protect yourself from a court claim? Tina has a new YouTube video out explaining all you need to know.

By Tina Hwang

Property Development Finance in NZ

Property Development Finance in NZ

Property development finance in New Zealand refers to the financial support provided to individuals or companies involved in property development projects. This type of financing is specifically tailored to the needs of property developers and is designed to help them cover the costs associated with acquiring land, construction, and other development expenses.

By Tom Huang

Pay Peril: The Clash Between INZ Requirements and Teacher Pay in New Zealand for Secondary Teachers

Pay Peril: The Clash Between INZ Requirements and Teacher Pay in New Zealand for Secondary Teachers

In the ever-evolving realm of education, the heartbeat of our future lies in the hands of skilled and passionate teachers. In New Zealand, Secondary School Teachers stand as the bedrock of our education system, sculpting the minds that will shape tomorrow’s leaders. However, despite the critical role they play, there exists a disparity that threatens to undermine the pathway to residence for these educators.

By Hannah Alcantara

Major changes to the Accredited Employer Work Visa - Q&A

Major changes to the Accredited Employer Work Visa - Q&A

It has been over a month since the major changes to the Accredited Employer Work Visa have been introduced. Alex addresses some of the frequently asked questions in her newest video below.

By Hannah Alcantara

5 reasons why you shouldn’t apply for the Migrant Exploitation Protection Visa

5 reasons why you shouldn’t apply for the Migrant Exploitation Protection Visa

What is a Migrant Exploitation Protection Visa? This is a special visa available to migrant workers who have been exploited while working on an employer supported work visa. If you have reported exploitation while on an employer supported work visa, you can apply for this visa to leave your job while the exploitation is being investigated.

By Sonny Lam

Update on Employment Law Changes in 2024

Update on Employment Law Changes in 2024

It is crucial for both employers and employees to stay on top of employment law changes. Several updates and amendments have been made to employment legislation in New Zealand recently.

By Joseph Diao

How to use your Kiwisaver to buy a house

How to use your Kiwisaver to buy a house

Are you eligible? How much can you withdraw? What is the typical withdrawal process?

By Joseph Diao

Care Workforce: A Student to Residency Pathway

Care Workforce: A Student to Residency Pathway

There is currently a lack of care workers in New Zealand, so the country is offering a pathway to residency for migrants entering the care workforce.

By Henny Bunardy

Key Changes to the NZS3910:2023 Contract

Key Changes to the NZS3910:2023 Contract

After 10 years of the construction industry using NZ3910:2013 terms, the NZ3910:2023 was released in November 2023.

By Tina Hwang

a big pile of documents being organised

New changes to how qualifications are used for Accredited Employer Work Visas

The changes to the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) introduced many new rules, which can be confusing for employers to keep up with. One of the more especially confusing rules is about how qualifications are used, as its very easy to make a certain mistake.

By Andrew Nah

male lawyer posing for photo with city background

Minutes with Marcus: The Team Meeting Experience

In the sixth episode of Minutes with Marcus, Marcus chairs QCL's weekly team meeting and gives an insight as to how they run.

By Marcus Beveridge

Law firm reception area with couches and view of the city

QCL’s Visionary Workspace: Fostering Legal Excellence and Teamwork

The past few years have been a rollercoaster for all of us, with the shift from office to home and then back again. It was an interesting ride, but during that time QCL was presented with an opportunity to move offices, which gave us the chance to rethink what a great workspace should be. We aimed for a place that complimented our culture - a place where you’d look forward to spending your day.

By Aimee Young

Further promotions at Queen City Law

Further promotions at Queen City Law

Along with the appointment of our new Directors, Queen City Law is also pleased to announce the promotion of Max Shin to Senior Associate, Aimee Young to General Manager, Harris Gu & Luke Beveridge to Senior Lawyer, Polina Boyarchenko to Senior Legal Executive and Alex Baldwin to Immigration Specialist.

By Marcus Beveridge

How can I bring my parents to New Zealand?

How can I bring my parents to New Zealand?

If you want to sponsor your parents to live in New Zealand permanently, you have two options for supporting them to obtain residency. There is the Parent Retirement visa and the Parent Category visa.

By Andrew Nah

4 lawyers sitting at table posing and smiling

NZ millionaire immigration framework overdue for full engine rebore

The Coalition Government needs to get its thinking cap on and get the job done. Rather than being influenced by bureaucratic boffins with no real world experience, its ministers, spin doctors, and policy teams need to robustly engage with those at the coal face so that we end up with attractive rules that result in outcomes we want.

By Marcus Beveridge

6 lawyers standing posed for a photo

3 new directors at Queen City Law

We are thrilled to announce the appointment of Bradley So, Tom Huang and Tina Hwang as Directors of Queen City Law. These promotions reflect their leadership, hard work and excellence coupled with their dedication to client service.

By Marcus Beveridge

Significant changes to the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) and the potential effects on migrant workers

Significant changes to the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) and the potential effects on migrant workers

If you currently hold an AEWV these changes will not impact your visa conditions or duration. However, it may affect how long you may be able to stay in New Zealand at one time. This is known as “maximum stay”, once a migrant worker reaches their maximum stay period, they must leave New Zealand.

By Bradley So

Guide to Post-Accreditation Checks for AEWV Employers

Guide to Post-Accreditation Checks for AEWV Employers

Immigration New Zealand (INZ) may complete checks to confirm you are meeting your obligations as an Accredited Employer. INZ will conduct checks on a proportion of accredited employers each year. A check can occur at any time while you are accredited; these checks can be both desk-based or through site visits.

By Bradley So

Major changes to the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV), and what does it mean for your company?

Major changes to the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV), and what does it mean for your company?

These changes do not impact current migrant workers' visa conditions or duration if they already hold an AEWV. However, it will affect how long they may be able to stay in New Zealand at one time. This is called the “maximum stay” and migrant workers must leave New Zealand once they have reached this limit. The changes will also affect new Job Check and AEWV applications submitted from April 7, 2024. 

By Bradley So

Rahasia Hemat Studi dan Kerja di Selandia Baru: Dapatkan Resident Visa dengan jalur Care Workforce

Rahasia Hemat Studi dan Kerja di Selandia Baru: Dapatkan Resident Visa dengan jalur Care Workforce

Henny is interviewed by YouTuber, Andy Saputra. They discuss the pathway from Student Visa to Residence Visa in New Zealand.

By Henny Bunardy

Compensation Claims (Under an Agreement for Sale and Purchase of Real Estate)

Compensation Claims (Under an Agreement for Sale and Purchase of Real Estate)

Compensation Claims (Under an Agreement for Sale and Purchase of Real Estate)

By Tina Hwang

Secondary school teachers can apply for the Straight to Residence (STR) Visa in May 2024

Secondary school teachers can apply for the Straight to Residence (STR) Visa in May 2024

As of May 2024, eligible teachers will be able to apply for the Straight to Residence Visa, and those eligible will be able to apply from offshore if they are employed with an accredited employer.

By Bradley So

Liquidation of BuildHub and the workers stranded in its aftermath

Liquidation of BuildHub and the workers stranded in its aftermath

The liquidation of BuildHub, an Auckland based construction-focused labour hire company, was a surprise to all and unfortunately left many of their migrant workers stranded.

By Bradley So

The Immigration Law Summit 2024

The Immigration Law Summit 2024

This years Immigration Law Summit had quite the turnout from current and past Queen City Law staff members. Marcus was co-chairing the event, Brad and Harris presented on the Active Investor Plus category and Sonny also presented (with 48 hours notice!) on how employment disputes can cause liabilities to the immigration profession.

By Marcus Beveridge

Belajar & Bekerja Lewat Jalur Care Workforce | Study and work to RV through care workforce pathway

Belajar & Bekerja Lewat Jalur Care Workforce | Study and work to RV through care workforce pathway

In Henny's new video, she discusses the pathway to residence, starting with a Student Visa.

By Henny Bunardy

Making the AML process easy for our clients

Making the AML process easy for our clients

What happened to the good old days when you could buy a house without all of the intrusive AML stress? 1 July 2018 happened. The AML/CFT Act happened. And everything has been different ever since.

By Jade O'Hanlon

Minutes with Marcus: An Interview with Tom Huang

Minutes with Marcus: An Interview with Tom Huang

In the fifth episode of 'Minutes with Marcus', Marcus interviews Senior Associate Tom Huang.

By Marcus Beveridge

Recent Changes to the Bright Line Test in New Zealand

Recent Changes to the Bright Line Test in New Zealand

The National party led New Zealand government has recently announced significant changes to the bright-line test (capital gains tax regime) for residential property sales. This is aimed at cooling the housing market and undoing the changes the previous Labour government enacted during their terms of government.

By Tina Hwang

How can I use my Kiwisaver?

How can I use my Kiwisaver?

The different ways you can access your Kiwisaver funds. Be it your first home purchase, retirement, moving countries or a serious illness.

By Joseph Diao

Glossary for Commercial Leases

Glossary for Commercial Leases

A complete Glossary for all things Commercial Leases

By Luke Beveridge

Navigating the Maze of Commercial Leases: A Guide for Landlords and Tenants

Navigating the Maze of Commercial Leases: A Guide for Landlords and Tenants

Entering into a commercial lease can be a complex journey filled with legal intricacies and financial implications. Whether you're a seasoned landlord or a new business owner stepping into the world of commercial leases for the first time, understanding the nuances of these agreements is crucial.

By Luke Beveridge

What happens when a vendor/purchaser defaults or cancels?

What happens when a vendor/purchaser defaults or cancels?

What happens when you default on an agreement for sale and purchase?

By Tina Hwang

Applying for a Permanent Resident Visa

Applying for a Permanent Resident Visa

If you’ve been living in New Zealand as a Resident, then it may be time for you to consider applying for your Permanent Resident Visa (PRV). The main benefit to this is indefinite re-entry to New Zealand. This means you can travel freely in and out of New Zealand without having to worry about your ‘travel conditions’ expiring. 

By Rita Worner

Victoria Street West Construction: An End In Sight?

Victoria Street West Construction: An End In Sight?

After what feels like years of not being able to enter our own building without jumping through hoops, things are starting to look up...

By Marcus Beveridge

Pwede ka na bang magapply ng Permanent Resident Visa?

Pwede ka na bang magapply ng Permanent Resident Visa?

Kung ikaw ay nakatira sa New Zealand na may hawak ng Resident Visa, baka oras na para magapply ka ng iyong Permanent Resident Visa o PRV. Ang pinakaunang pakinabang nito ay wala ng limitasyon o entry travel condition ang visa mo sa New Zealand. Ibig sabihin nito, maaari kang magbiyahe nang malaya papasok at labas ng New Zealand na hindi ka nagaalala tungkol sa pag-expire ng iyong ‘travel conditions’.

By Hannah Alcantara

Unlocking the Reserve Bank’s Proposed Debt to Income Restrictions – What Home Buyers and Property Investors Need to Know

Unlocking the Reserve Bank’s Proposed Debt to Income Restrictions – What Home Buyers and Property Investors Need to Know

The Reserve Bank has recently announced its proposal to introduce the debt to income (DTI) restrictions on residential mortgage lending.  But what exactly does this mean, and how might it affect those looking to step into the property market?

By Max Shin

Student Visas and Post-Study Work Visa Requirements

Student Visas and Post-Study Work Visa Requirements

A quick guide on the basics of the fee-paying student visa for international students who want to study full-time in New Zealand.

By Rita Worner

Conditions to a Contract

Conditions to a Contract

A sale and purchase agreement for residential property may include various conditions, depending on the purchaser’s circumstances and negotiations with their vendor, and may vary depending on the property.

By Polina Boyarchenko

Property Law
Streamlining Overseas Investment Decisions: Balancing National Security and Economic Growth

Streamlining Overseas Investment Decisions: Balancing National Security and Economic Growth

In a move aimed at streamlining the process of overseas investment decisions, there are proposals to limit ministerial involvement to matters strictly related to national security only. Currently, ministers have the authority to make decisions regarding investments deemed to be in the national interest, but this responsibility is often delegated to the Overseas Investment Office (OIO). However, this system has been criticized for adding complexity and time to the decision-making process, leading to calls for reform.

By Harris Gu

Immigration Law
We're Hiring: Receptionist

We're Hiring: Receptionist

This busy role will include assisting multiple lawyers with administration tasks as well as standard receptionist duties. The perfect person will be someone who works well under pressure, has strong attention to detail, is a fast learner, self-motivating and takes initiative

By Aimee Young

Minutes with Marcus: QCL Updates, Victoria St West Construction and a New Government

Minutes with Marcus: QCL Updates, Victoria St West Construction and a New Government

Marcus is back with his fourth episode of 'Minutes with Marcus'. In this episode he discusses exciting updates within QCL and its staff, the construction taking place on Victoria Street West and of course, our brand new government.

By Marcus Beveridge

How to come to New Zealand with the Accredited Employer Work Visa

How to come to New Zealand with the Accredited Employer Work Visa

The Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) is a temporary work visa designed to ensure New Zealanders are first in line for jobs and where genuine skill or labour shortages exist, accredited employers can hire skilled migrants. This was introduced on July 4 2022.

By Hannah Alcantara

Accredited Employer Work VisaImmigration Law
Assisting Filipino Work Visa holders

Assisting Filipino Work Visa holders

Following the unfortunate liquidation of the ELE Group in December 2023, a silver lining has emerged. Queen City Law, New Zealand Labour Hire and Immigration New Zealand have come together to support the affected migrant workers, demonstrating the power of unity and compassion in times of crisis.

By Hannah Alcantara

Work VisaImmigrationFilipino Workers
Summer Law Clerkships at Queen City Law

Summer Law Clerkships at Queen City Law

Queen City Law takes on law clerks every year from November to February during the university summer break. This year, we were lucky to be joined by Otago and Auckland University students, Enna and Yolanda.

By Marcus Beveridge

Summer Law Clerks
We're Hiring: Senior Litigation Consultant or Existing Litigation Team

We're Hiring: Senior Litigation Consultant or Existing Litigation Team

Queen City Law is looking to hire a full time highly skilled and motivated Senior Litigation Consultant or an existing Litigation Team. The successful candidate will play a pivotal role in leading and managing complex litigation cases, providing expert legal advice, and representing our clients in the courts.

By Marcus Beveridge

Litigation & Dispute Resolution
Welcome to the team, Hannah!

Welcome to the team, Hannah!

Queen City Law is excited to have Hannah join the team!

By Aimee Young

Immigration Law
Selling Leaky Units (Q&A with Ray White's Grant Elliott)

Selling Leaky Units (Q&A with Ray White's Grant Elliott)

Leaky buildings are buildings that require remedial work to weathertightness issues, whether or not it falls within a 10-year weathertightness guarantee.  It may involve systemic failures in the building or may be isolated leaks from poor maintenance.  They cost owners (and potentially buyers of leaky buildings) significant costs to remedy.

By Tina Hwang

Property Law
Queen City Law to present at the Property Law Conference 2024

Queen City Law to present at the Property Law Conference 2024

The Law Association Property Law Conference will be held on 29 February 2024, at Four Points by Sheraton, Auckland - And Queen City Law's Senior Associate, Tina Hwang, will be presenting on Due Diligence Tips in Residential Property Acquisitions. 

By Tina Hwang

Property Law
Overseas Investment Office (OIO) Consent - What is it and do you need it?

Overseas Investment Office (OIO) Consent - What is it and do you need it?

When purchasing sensitive land (which now includes residential property) in New Zealand, you may need OIO consent. Whether or not you require consent depends on your residency status, and if purchasing under a company or trust, will be dependent on whether the entity has an overseas persons or is associated to an overseas person.

By Joseph Diao

OIOOverseas Investment Office
What is a statutory demand?

What is a statutory demand?

What is a statutory demand? A statutory demand is a demand for undisputed debt to be payable within a certain amount of time. There are 5 requirements that are needed...

By Tina Hwang

liquidationreceivership bankruptcystatutory demand
Do I need a prenup? Contracting Out Agreements

Do I need a prenup? Contracting Out Agreements

Do I need a prenup? What is a contracting out agreement? What is relationship property? These are some questions you may ask yourself when entering a serious relationship with your partner.  It is important to understand the answers to these questions before committing not only yourself but your assets to your partner.

By Tina Hwang

Contracting OutPrenup
Amendments to the Unit Titles Act

Amendments to the Unit Titles Act

The Unit Titles (Strengthening Body Corporate Governance and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2022: What the changes mean and what to be aware of:

By Tina Hwang

Unit Titles ActProperty Law
New Zealand Residence Visa - Investor Plus Category (Seminar)

New Zealand Residence Visa - Investor Plus Category (Seminar)

Queen City Law along with Bentleys, Blackbull Wealth and NZVC held an online seminar where they discussed the New Zealand Residence Visa (Investor Plus Category) from the Queen City Law office.

By Bradley So

Immigration Law
Starting a business in New Zealand

Starting a business in New Zealand

This article explores an important topic that will affect aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners: the legal considerations for starting a business in New Zealand. At Queen City Law, we witness firsthand the challenges and opportunities that arise when embarking on a new business venture. By understanding the legal landscape, you can set a solid foundation for your business and mitigate potential risks.

By Luke Beveridge

Employment Law


Queen City Law to co-chair and present at the Immigration Law Summit 2024

Queen City Law to co-chair and present at the Immigration Law Summit 2024

QCL is at the forefront of business migration and in fact all aspects of migration and has nurtured an incredible client base largely due to this work type. We get to know our clients very well during this process and this generally forges a long term trusted advisor relationship with the firm as we then represent our clients with all of their other legal requirements (Estate planning, commercial, property, employment for example only) in Aotearoa/New Zealand.

By Marcus Beveridge

Contract Law 104

Contract Law 104

If a contract has been breached – not performed in accordance with its terms – then the aggrieved party has to decide what to do about it.  This involves two distinct considerations – determining what has been lost, and determining what process to follow to recover that loss.

By Ross Dillon

Our multi-lingual team

Our multi-lingual team

The lawyers at Queen City Law are speakers of Korean, Mandarin, Cantonese, Shanghainese, English, Spanish, Indonesian / Malay, Tagalog and Russian. We are also experts in helping Asian migrants relocate to and settle in New Zealand.

By Marcus Beveridge

Visitor Visa - Bona Fides

Visitor Visa - Bona Fides

New Zealand is a beautiful country that attracts millions of visitors every year. If you are planning to visit you may need to apply for a visitor visa before you arrive.

By Bradley So

What is a trust?

What is a trust?

A trust is a separate legal entity where an arrangement is made between one party usually called ’the settlor’ grants another party ‘the trustee/s’ the authority to hold and manage assets or property for the benefit of a third party or a group of beneficiaries.

By Luke Beveridge

Property LawPrivate Wealth
Immigration Employment Update 2023

Immigration Employment Update 2023

Accredited employers will no longer be able to use 90-day trials. The Government is requiring employers to commit to not using trial periods when hiring people on an AEWV.

By Sonny Lam

Immigration LawEmployment Law
Contract Law 103

Contract Law 103

Contracts are the foundation of business transactions, legal agreements, and everyday interactions. They serve as the backbone of commercial relationships, providing a framework within which parties can operate, make commitments, and ensure the smooth flow of activities. However, which disputes arise, the interpretation of contracts is not always straightforward.

By Ross Dillon

Construction Contracts (Retention Money) Amendment Act 2023

Construction Contracts (Retention Money) Amendment Act 2023

On 10 August 2023, Tina Hwang was asked to present to some project managers about the latest changes to the retentions scheme in the Construction Contracts Act 2002.  Here is a summary of her presentation.

By Tina Hwang

Contract Law 102

Contract Law 102

In the realm of contract law, parties must clearly define the terms of their agreement to avoid misunderstandings and disputes. These terms fall into different categories, including express terms, implied terms (implied by statute, the courts, or in fact), and exclusion clauses. This article explores each of these categories and discusses notable cases that shed light on their significance and application in contract law.

By Ross Dillon

How do I prove that I am a bona fide applicant?

How do I prove that I am a bona fide applicant?

If you are applying for a visitor or student visa, it is likely that Immigration New Zealand will raise concerns in regards to whether you are a bona fide applicant.

By Bradley So

Immigration Law
How To Get Residency In New Zealand

How To Get Residency In New Zealand

After being in and out of lockdowns for over two years, New Zealand has finally opened its borders again. This means that people can now begin migrating to New Zealand like they were, before the pandemic hit. Immigration New Zealand has multiple pathways that can be undertaken to obtain a New Zealand Residency Visa. Each pathway will be explained below:

By Bradley So

Immigration Law
Myths about Wills and Enduring Powers of Attorneys

Myths about Wills and Enduring Powers of Attorneys

Wills and Enduring Power of Attorneys are often misunderstood, with people not knowing the true meaning behind each. This blog post will put the rumours to bed, and explain what they are for, and who should get them.

By Tina Hwang

Private Wealth
What happens when the Construction Contracts Act collides with the Liquidation regime?

What happens when the Construction Contracts Act collides with the Liquidation regime?

When a company can’t pay its debts, the shareholders and directors can appoint a Liquidator, to wind up the company. If they do not do so, a creditor can apply to the Court to place the company into Liquidation (and has the opportunity to nominate the Liquidator).

By Ross Dillon

Civil Litigation
How can I save my dog?

How can I save my dog?

Sometimes dogs bite people,  situations arise when even the best owners and best dogs get into troubles.  A strange set of circumstances, a confulence of misadventure or just a momentary lapse in judgement, can lead a dog owner to be dealing with the fallout from a attack or criminal prosecution. What can you do to protect yourself and your dog? This week Tina Hwang examines what a dog owner can expect when their dog is accused of attacking someone.

By Tina Hwang

Partnership Visas

Partnership Visas

The partnership visa is a great way to bring your loved one to your side. It can enable your partner to obtain either residency or an open work visa. To do so, you need to prove to Immigration New Zealand that you are ‘living together in a genuine and stable relationship’.

By Bradley So

Immigration Law
Contract Law 101

Contract Law 101

Everyone comes into contact with the law. The law that we all come into contact with can be split into 3 main areas – (i) criminal law, where the State imposes obligations on us all, (ii) torts, which can be described as norms of society which we must all abide by and that the courts will enforce, and (iii) contract, which are obligations we enter into voluntarily and which can be very extensive in their nature.

By Ross Dillon

What has the recent flooding taught us?

What has the recent flooding taught us?

If there’s anything the past week in Auckland has shown us, it’s to expect the unexpected. Or perhaps now, expect the worst and hope for the… summer we have been robbed of?

By Tina Hwang


Trees & Neighbours

Trees & Neighbours

“The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing that stands in the way. Some see nature all ridicule and deformity…and some scarce see nature at all. But to the eyes of the man of imagination, nature is imagination itself.” – William Blake

By Tina Hwang

hands holding pen with papers

What do you need to know about the New Compensation Clause in the 11th Edition of REINZ/ADSL Agreement?

The Eleventh Edition of the REINZ/ADSL Agreement for sale and purchase of real estate (“Agreement”) has come into force as we approach the two-year anniversary of life under COVID-19 in New Zealand. It has developed to reflect the changing legislations and evolving industry practices. While many of the changes are minor, one of the changes are particularly noteworthy – the new Compensation Claim contained in Clause 10 of the Agreement.

By Tina Hwang

Property Law
How to Buy a House in New Zealand – essential tips for first home buyers

How to Buy a House in New Zealand – essential tips for first home buyers

Are you a first home buyer? Have you just moved to New Zealand? Do you know what a ‘conditional’ agreement is or an ‘unconditional’ agreement is? Do you know what the difference is between buying a house at auction or by negotiation?

By Tina Hwang

Property Law
Employment Law and Email Privacy

Employment Law and Email Privacy

In New Zealand electronic communications are not considered property and therefore cannot be stolen. But can an employer access your emails and use them as reasons to dismiss an employee?

By Tina Hwang

Employment Law
Plane taking off from runway

What is a Character Waiver? Immigration to NZ

In brief everyone entering NZ must be of be of good character and not pose a potential security risk to NZ. This is primarily assessed through the character requirements for entry into NZ which are the same whether you are applying for residence or for temporary entry.

By Bradley So

Immigration Law
"You're fired!" Do you have a personal grievance claim?

"You're fired!" Do you have a personal grievance claim?

We have all seen the Hollywood movies, the dramas and also heard of outrageous conduct "warranting" dismissal. However, does serious misconduct actually justify dismissal in New Zealand? The short answer is "no." Hardly any serious misconduct will warrant immediate dismissal as the Employment Relations Act 2000 has taught us that due process and good faith are the two corner stones in employment relationships, often at the dismay of employers.

By Tina Hwang

Employment Law
My Limited Via is due to expire, what can I do

My Limited Via is due to expire, what can I do

Limited Visas are often granted to people that have a potential risk of remaining in New Zealand unlawfully after their visa expires. It is Immigration New Zealand’s (INZ) way of giving you an opportunity to come to New Zealand for an express purpose even when they see potential risks within your application.

By Bradley So

Immigration Law
Defences to Drink Driving

Defences to Drink Driving

At Queen City Law we urge you to get good legal advice if you are considering fighting a drink driving charge. If you intend to seek a discharge without conviction, be sure to share with your lawyer in a timely way all aspects of the circumstances surrounding your case. Many of the details of these circumstances will determine wether or not your defence is successful in court.

By Luke Beveridge

Criminal Law
hands of medical doctor

Medical Waivers for Immigration to New Zealand

Under current immigration residence criteria all individuals included in an application for New Zealand permanent residence are required to demonstrate that they have an acceptable standard of health for the grant of New Zealand residence, or, failing this, they qualify for a “medical waiver”.

By Bradley So

Immigration Law
Good Fences make Good Neighbours – Boundary Disputes

Good Fences make Good Neighbours – Boundary Disputes

Is your neighbour accessing your property to complete boundary work? Has your neighbour started construction work which will compromise your property, or it’s value, access or enjoyment? fence_goodp

By Tina Hwang

Neighbour Law

Neighbour Law

Disputes with neighbours can arise over many things; noise, fences, trees and animals etc. Ideally, you and your neighbour should be able to resolve any problem by discussing it and acting reasonably. However, if this is not possible, the law may be able to help resolve the matter.row-monopoly-houses

By Tina Hwang

Property Lawdisputes


Geese flying in a golden sky

Government kills the goose that lays Immigration’s golden eggs

In the last decade New Zealand has attracted in excess of $10 billion under its Investor categories. Yes, you read that right, ten thousand million dollars - a fair chunk of change.

By Marcus Beveridge